The shocking invasion of Ukraine has brought about an extraordinary set of circumstances throughout Europe – a refugee and energy crisis, on top of a health pandemic crisis, on top of an already deepened affordable housing crisis. The challenges ahead of us are growing. In this brief update of our biannual State of Housing in Europe report we reflect on the current challenges and responses from the public, cooperative and social housing sector.
At the time of publishing the last edition of the State of Housing report, Europe and the world were still in the midst of a pandemic that had echoes of being “the end of the world as we know it”. One year on, the full effects of COVID-19 on our economies and societies are still uncertain. So is the potential impact of a protracted war on our doorstep.
As outlined in our recent statement[1], the shocking invasion of Ukraine has brought about an extraordinary set of circumstances throughout Europe – a refugee and energy crisis, on top of a health pandemic crisis, on top of an already deepened affordable housing crisis.
The European Union, for its part, is sending a strong message, that “all Member States should expand public investment for the green and digital transitions and for energy security, including by making use of the RRF, other EU funds and REPowerEU”[2].
At the same time, the scale of the ambition of social and affordable housing providers – to deliver a fair and green energy transition – is unchanged. The challenges ahead of us, however, are growing. In this brief update of our biannual State of Housing in Europe report[3] we reflect on the current challenges and responses from the public, cooperative and social housing sector.
Read along.
[1] See Housing Europe (2022) Delivering a dignified housing response to Ukraine | Housing Europe Policy Paper
[2] European Commission (2022) 2022 European Semester – Spring Package. Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament, the Council, the European Central Bank, the European Economic and Social Committee, the Committee of the Regions and the European Investment Bank.
[3] The most recent full State of Housing in Europe report can be viewed at: