Housing Europe Communications Director, Michalis Goudis attended the kick-off meeting of the Horizon 2020 ‘PuSH’ project that will run a study and produce an exhibition around social housing estates – specifically their shared spaces – as spaces of encounter between people of various cultural and social backgrounds, ethnicities, ages and genders, making the case that social housing estates throughout Europe are a prime locus of cultural encounter and therefore a potential resource for European integration.
PuSH will run research on the ground in five significant cases including Fjell (Drammen, Norway), Farum Midtpunkt (Copenhagen, Denmark), Telli (Aarau, Switzerland), Tscharnergut (Bern, Switzerland) and Ponticelli – Lotto Zero (Naples, Italy). Housing Europe along with its Danish Member BL and its Swiss Member, the Swiss Housing Cooperatives will contribute as Associate Partners in making the link with the non-academic world that the leading partners, the Universities of Copenhagen, Naples and the Technical University of Zurich (ETH) represent.