At the beginning of the week, Housing Europe’s Portuguese member from GEBALIS, João Carvalhosa and #Housing2030 lead writer, Julie Lawson were at the “Housing for an Inclusive and Sustainable Recovery” conference in Kyiv, organised by the EU in collaboration with the Ministry of Restoration and supported by the European Investment Bank through the STARTER project.
At a crucial moment when Ukraine’s housing sector reforms are being shaped, the contribution of practitioners and researchers from our network was of the essence.
“It is clear that thousands of homes are needed. Many of these should be social or affordable homes as part of a municipal model. Housing Europe network can be a source of experience-based support for our colleagues in the Ukraine as they oversee this development,” João Carvalhosa highlighted
Julie Lawson and Pavlo Fedoriv, researchers with the EU STARTER team since June 2022, highlighted their collaborative efforts with Housing Europe in strategic capacity building. Their work, focusing on peer-to-peer cooperation with countries like Austria, Finland, and Germany, and partnerships with institutions such as the EIB and UNECE via IWO, aimed to bolster housing policy reforms in Ukraine. Julie Lawson emphasised the ongoing construction of social housing in Lviv designed by the Ukrainian architect for the city. An interesting fact is that the design of the new homes was selected after a competition organised by Lviv city. Find the presentation of the EU STARTER project in English and Ukrainian.