The progress made on the Climate Law motivates us to discuss how we can ensure a green and fair renovation of public, cooperative and social housing in Europe in a way that can factor in climate without pricing out people. Join us for a two-day Renovation Summit on 10th and 11th May to discuss how we can make this happen.
1Tenants participating in home renovation
The experience of tenants from the Nettelbeckplatz in Berlin, 2019 Responsible Housing Award Winner
This year, we will see important legislative proposals in the field of energy that will have a long-lasting impact on the way homes are built and renovated. This is why it is crucial to get the policy mix right to ensure that the social and affordable housing sector can continue catering for people in the most environmentally and financially sustainable way.
To do so, we need to start from what works on the ground, for example with people-centred measures. We also need to promote a low-carbon culture throughout the supply chain of renovation. Eventually, we need financial resources, from all levels (in particular the EU) and all kinds of institutions (in particular public ones) to achieve decarbonisation while preserving social fairness and affordability.
Visit the official page of the summit.
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Day 1 – 10th May 2021 – 13:30-15:00 CET
Recovery Plan stock take
An opportunity to discuss how the Recovery Plans are contributing to deliver on the Renovation Wave in the public, cooperative and social housing sector, what the impact on State Aid will be and how the absorption on local level could be helped. Being aware that in some countries important structural reforms would be needed in order to ensure long-term financing to deliver on the Renovation Wave.
13:30 – 13:45
Introductory panel
Moderated by Bent Madsen, President of Housing Europe
Video message from Elisa Ferreira, European Commissioner for Cohesion and Reforms
Marie Linder – President of International Union of Tenants
13:45 – 13:55
Energy transition and social housing in national Recovery Plans
Overview on relevant parts in the national Recovery Plans
Edit Lakatos – Policy Officer at Housing Europe
13:55 – 14:25
Feedback on national plans from social housing providers
€500 million contributing to the fair transition in the sector
Carine Puyol – European Affairs, USH, France
Superbonus and other new initiatives
Luca Talluri – President of Federcasa, Italy
Fighting energy poverty in Portugal
Pedro Pinto de Jesus – Director of Gebalis, Portugal
14:20 – 14:55
Different EU funding tools to help affordable housing construction and renovation
Overview on the legal implications of Recovery Plans on housing providers, especially on State Aid
Julien Guigue – Recovery and Resilience Task Force
How can the EU fiscal policy tools such as the Stability and Growth Pact help the delivery of the Recovery Plans?
Allen Monks – Economist at European Commission DG for Economic and Financial Affairs (ECFIN)
Technical assistance to help better absorption
Luca Di Donatantonio, DG REFORM
15:00 – 15:05
Barbara Steenbergen – IUT
Sorcha Edwards – Housing Europe
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Day 1 – 10th May 2021 – 15:15-16:45 CET
People driving the energy transition
The Renovation Wave brings a one in a lifetime opportunity to put people in the driver’s seat of the energy transition to make energy-performing buildings widely accessible, healthy and liveable. See how people are driving the energy transition in cities, neighbourhoods and homes.
15:15 – 15:25
Introduction and moderation
by Barbara Steenbergen, International Union of Tenants
15:25 – 15:30
Tenants participating in home renovation
The experience of tenants from the Nettelbeckplatz in Berlin, 2019 Responsible Housing Award Winner
15:30 – 15:45
Kadri Simson – European Commissioner for Energy
15:45 – 15:55
Participative energy transition roadmaps in cities
15:55 – 16:15
Neighbourhood renovation for people
Empowering homeowners for neighbourhood renewal
Anu Sarnet – EKYL
Tackling energy poverty through neighbourhood renovation
Björn Mallants – VVH
16:15 – 16:40
Home renovation by people
Ambassadors for passive housing
Geert De Pauw – Community Land Trust Brussels (CLTB)
Homebuilder project
Peter Hovlund – ÖrebroBostäder AB
16:40 – 16:45
Sorcha Edwards – Housing Europe
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Day 2 – 11th May 2021 – 13:30-15:00 CET
What are the right policies for decarbonising housing?
What is the right policy mix to put in place (mixing regulation, price signal, financial incentives, resident’s involvement) in order to further support social, cooperative and public housing in achieving decarbonisation while at the same time reaching other segments of the housing stock in Europe?
Introduction and moderation
Holger Wallbaum – Chalmers University of Technology
Why can social housing provide a template for 2050?
The social housing approach to decarbonisation: presentation of evidence and good practices for a fair approach to decarbonisation
Robin van Leijen – AEDES
Julien Dijol – Housing Europe
Renovation Wave or Regulation Wave?
Discussion on the forthcoming legislative changes at EU level
Stefan Moser – DG Energy, European Commission
Is the lack of funding really an issue?
Discussion on the financial opportunities at EU level and the EU Taxonomy for sustainable activities
Natalia Rogaczewska – Danish Social Housing Federation (BL)
Ignacio De la Puerta Rueda – Irekia
Where do we go from here?
Discussion about the policy objectives for 2030 and 2050
Ciaran Cuffe – Member of the European Parliament, the Greens
Robert Dijksterhuis, Dutch Ministry of Interior and Kingdom Relations
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Day 2 – 11th May 2021 – 15:30-17:00 CET
Financing to increase circularity in housing
Changing our view of resources from ‘linear’ to ‘circular’ will not be easy. One of the key issues that must be addressed is the issue of financing for these new and innovative projects. We will explore the issue of financing the low-carbon, sustainable, circular housing movement.
15:30 – 15:35
Dara Turnbull – Housing Europe
Juliana Devis Cantillo, Global Fund for Cities Development
15:35 – 15:40
Brief overview of the HOUSEFUL project
Xavier Ponte Font – HOUSEFUL Project Coordinator – LEITAT
15:40 – 15:50
Case study: Vätterhem YEAH – Swedish circular public housing
Pär Löfstedt, Yellon
15:50 – 16:05
Case Sudy: ‘Om Circle House’ project – Danish circular social housing
Aleksander Kongshaug, GXN Architects
16:05 – 16:20
Europe’s ‘Green Bank’: the funding opportunities of the EIB
Kevin McGillycuddy – Circular Economy Expert, EIB
16:20 – 16:35
The opportunities of the EU Green Taxonomy
Elma Durmisevic – Director of Dutch Laboratory for Green Transformable Buildings and head of Reversible Building Design at 4D architects Amsterdam
16:40 – 16:45
Sorcha Edwards – Housing Europe
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