The project European Affordable Housing Consortium: Sustainable Housing for Social Impact (SHAPE-EU) aims at producing Blueprints to guide local partnerships towards planning and implementing lighthouse district projects that go the extra mile in terms of technological or technical innovation, social innovation, and resident engagement in the planning and implementation processes.
The Blueprints will be divided in 3 modules:
1. Project implementation
2. Social innovation,
3. Technical
The project will lead to measurable reductions of GHG emissions, as well as have a positive impact on job creation linked to the green and digital transitions, boost the local construction sector, and make housing fit for all social groups.
Does this interest you? Give a read to the two calls for procurement below. The deadline for each of the two announcements is August, 23rd.
Ref: CECODHAS – HousingEurope-HE-SHAPE-IMPL1-F02_0 | Apply by 23rd August 2022
The mission of the winning tenderer will consist of:
I. Mapping existing funding sources for integrated renovation projects across Europe. This work should complement the work of the project partners in terms of geographic coverage.
II. Developing the “Project Implementation” Blueprint module for the European Affordable Housing Consortium in cooperation with two consortium members. The development of the module will follow a series of steps to make it suitable and useful for the end-users.
These steps are:
a. Development of a draft “Project Implementation” Blueprint module, led by the winning tenderer, with the support of the contracting authority.
b. Facilitation of a targeted consultation of key stakeholders (national housing associations, social housing providers, local authorities, SMEs, SME representatives, and other experts) to provide feedback of the draft version.
Through the consultation they will be able to express their views on the scope and added value of the Blueprint. This will be done in partnership with the project
partners and coordinated by Housing Europe.
c. Development of the final version of the “Project Implementation” blueprint module, taking the feedback from the consultation into consideration, led by the winning tenderer, with the support of the contracting authority.
The tenderer should ideally have:
• a pan-European experience relevant for the greening of the social housing sector
• an in-depth expertise in funding sources available in Europe for the renovation of social housing and their mechanism
• an in-depth knowledge of delivering integrated renovation of social housing, namely procurement processes, private capital attraction, financial sustainability, and associated regulatory issues.
• already engaged with providers and local authorities
• an expertise in regional development, rural development and urban planning
• the capacity to provide technical assistance as well as financial advice on renovation.
Find all relevant information here.
Send us your proposal by 23rd August 2022.
Should you have any questions, please contact us at
2.) Development of the technical blueprint module for the European Affordable Housing Consortium
Ref: CECODHAS – HousingEurope-HE-SHAPE-TECH2-F02_0 | Apply by 23rd August 2022
The mission of the winning tenderer will consist of:
• Development of the technical module of the blueprint for the European Affordable Housing Consortium (SHAPE-EU) in collaboration with the Consortium partners
The tenderer should ideally have:
• a pan-European experience relevant for the assignment.
• proven links with housing providers / local authorities and the construction sector
• extensive experience in supporting and consulting in ecological & energetic transition
• in-depth expertise of deep retrofitting, modular building systems, standardized renovation solutions, circularity, combination of different energy sources at the district level, smart heating, ventilation and cooling installations, urban planning approaches, aggregation of renovation operations related to the housing sector
• the capacity to provide technical assistance with a focus on overcoming the different stakeholders’ limitations and enhancing opportunities
• an understanding of the relevant stakeholders needs and potential barriers to the development of impactful renovation projects
Find all relevant information here.
Send us your proposal by 23rd August 2022.
Should you have any questions please see the FAQ below or contact us at
Q&A Call for Tenders
Q: What is the difference between the December 2022 delivery and the December 2023 delivery?
A: The first delivery is a draft that is to be used as a consultation document in January 2023. During the consultation a number of stakeholders will be asked to provide feedback on the relevancy and pertinence of the contents. The document should be reviewed with the comments provided. It can be presented in presentations already in March (Barcelona event).
The last delivery is the full, written and finished document.
Q: What is the relationship between the subcontractors and the partners during the contract period?
A: The partner GNE Finance is the leader of the task of developing the blueprints. They will be guiding the process and make final decisions, with consultation of all partners. However, the winning tenderer, as an expert body in the matter, will be leading the technical process and advising the task leader on the best approach to deliver the objectives of the call for tenders and a quality publication.
Q: When will the payment be made?
A: Please consult the call specifications.
Q: When should the final deliverable be handed over to the consortium?
A: Please consult the call specifications. The contract ends in December 2023.
Q: What criteria is going to be used to evaluate the tenders?
A: Please consult the call specifications.
Q: What format should the finalised version of the blueprints take?
A: The table of contents and other questions are being discussed amongst the consortium at this moment. By September this information will be ready and communicated to the winning tenderer. If need be, the latter will still have the opportunity to provide their feedback / changes, based on their expertise or joint discussion.
Q: To what extent can the winning tenderer modify the structure and content of the blueprints?
A: Even though the table of contents will be presented to the winning tenderer at the outset, the blueprints development will always be the result of joint work between all partners as well as the winning tenderer so as to ensure a quality publication. Therefore, there will be opportunities to change both the structure and content as a result of joint discussion.