“As in the 90s’, we have come to a crossroads when countries and governments are questioning their housing direction and what policies to choose,” the Chairman of our Dutch member, AEDES said when he and Robin Van Leijen, in charge of EU affairs, came to meet us at Housing Europe’s office.

Martin van Rijn highlighted that for social housing providers in the Netherlands having allies to tackle societal challenges like the fair energy transition is essential. To him, there has been a blindspot at the EU level when it comes to social housing and the diversity of how it is organised but he also sees that this is changing thanks to the roadmap for the social economy.

Our Secretary General, Sorcha Edwards pointed out that there have been gains made towards a more social Europe with the European Pillar of Social Rights and that the next step would be to have this thinking mainstreamed across the spectrum and reflected in the approach to the semester, State Aid and the EU Green Deal.

The Housing Europe staff continuously welcomes members and partners for informal discussions on policy, innovation, research, or communications outreach. If you would like to bring a delegation to our office, please get in touch with our Membership and Events Coordinator, Abderrahim Khairi.