Learn how to develop “Lighthouse Districts” renovation projects with your peers.Experienced housing professionals and other experts will present their concluded innovative solutions and insights to their peers.

Learn how to develop “Lighthouse Districts” renovation projects with your peers. Experienced housing professionals and other experts will present their concluded innovative solutions and insights to fellow practitioners.

On September 18th and 19th Housing Europe is organising the a two-day ‘Lighthouse District’ approach Bootcamp. This is a special event concept based on peer-to-peer exchanges, which in essence will work as an intensive training, driven by good practices in district renovation. Lighthouse districts are renovation projects at the district scale that follow an integrated approach, that can include technological innovation, people centred models or experimental co-creation and engagement practices.

As part of the Bootcamp, experienced professionals will explain how they planned and carried out their lighthouse approach. The session will cater specifically to the stakeholders involved in district-level social and affordable housing renovation: the housing providers and municipalities, but also the technology or service providers (SMEs) as well as funding organisations.

You will be able to join the Bootcamp live in Vienna or online. More information will follow.


Location: Wiener Wohnen headquarter, Rosa-Fischer-Gasse 2, 1030 Vienna
(nearby the U3-subway-station “Gasometer”)

9h welcome coffee

9h30 Opening session


Bent Madsen, President of Housing Europe
Kathrin Gaal, Deputy Mayor and Deputy Governor. Executive City Councillor for Housing, Housing Construction, Urban Renewal and Women’s Issues of the City of Vienna
Masha Smirnova, Head of Sustainable Urban Governance of Eurocities
Bernd Riessland (Senior Advisor of the AustrianFederation of Limited-ProfitHousingAssociations)

9h45 The Vienna model of affordable housing
Christian Schantl (Wiener Wohnen)

10h “The European Affordable Housing Consortium: helping social housing providers go theextra-mile in district renovation” João Gonçalves (Housing Europe)


10h30 Module 1: Managing a District Renovation Project

• Introduction, Paola Ferrando Julià, GNE Finance

• Presentation 1: “Ensuring a mixed used development with integrated shared mobility in the in Salzburg”

• Presentation 2: “Effective local partnerships for successful renovations”, Stephan Hartmann, Vienna (WieNeu+ and Smarter Together Projects)

• Round Table: What key factors for project success? Moderated by James Thorogood (Eurocities)

• Questions with the audience:
o Are these examples replicable in your context?
o What barriers are you facing?
o What other key success factors would you name?

Learn more about the work of the Consortium – https://shape-affordablehousing.eu/ 


The European Affordable Housing Consortium, SHAPE-EU project has received funding from the European Union’s Single Market Programme under Grant Agreement no. 101069909

Lunch break

– Daniel Kaltofen (EBZ Business School)
– Franck Martin (École du Renouvellement Urbain)
– Anita Pedersen (Landsbyggefonden)
Moderated by Sorcha Edwards (Housing Europe)

15h00 Module 2: Delivering and Ensuring Social Value

• Introduction, Henk Visscher (Technical University of Delft)

• Presentation 1: “Social Cohesion in Apartment Complexes” Marlies Swait and Julia Nermuth, (Vienna ‘Wohnpartner’)

• Presentation 2: “Social regeneration and resident involvement in Drottninghög”, Dragana Curovic/Mikaela Åberg (Helsingborgshem)

• Presentation 3: “Let’s renew the city together” Egle Randyte (city of Vilnius)

• Roundtable: Practical difficulties co-creating renovation projects with owners / tenants – is there enough capacity and/or funding? Moderated by Saskia Furman

• Questions with the audience:
o What methodologies have you used to involve residents?
o What difficulties did you face involving residents?
o In your experience what works best?

DAY 2 I 19 September 2023

9h30 Welcome coffee

10h Module 3: Choosing the Technical Innovations for Sustainability and Affordability

• Introduction, Nerea Gómez (ECTP)

• Presentation 1: “The industrial approach and project aggregation”, Sébastien DELPONT, Greenflex.

• Presentation 2:  “The Celulozowa Project in Włocławek (Poland) – a prefabricated approach to renovation”, Krzysztof Kukucki (Vice-Mayor of the City of Włocławek)

•  Presentation 3: “Your Voice – a digital tool for integrated urban development”, Felix Assmann (ProjektStadt / Nassauische Heimstätte GmbH)

•“What technologies to choose for affordable housing?”, round-table session, moderatedby Gerlinde Gutheil-Knopp-Kirchwald (GBV).

• Questions with the audience:
o Do you have experience with these approaches?
o How are you including innovative technology/service providers within procurement constraints?
o Do you have the capacity and skill set available to support these innovations?



SIDE EVENT I 19 September 2023, 13:30 – 17:00

Shaping housing markets – the economic impacts of affordable housing

Learnings from recent studies for future housing policies in Europe

Place: Wiener Wohnen (Rosa-Fischer-Gasse 2, 1030 Wien), Vienna Austria

Organiser: Austrian Federation of Limited-Profit Housing Associations (GBV)

In cooperation with the Affordable Housing Bootcamp in Vienna

Panel discussion, moderated by Sorcha Edwards (Housing Europe)

Michael Klien (WIFO Austria)
Julie Lawson (RMIT University, Australia)
Volker Ziemann (OECD)
Stefan Zeugner (European Commission, DG Economic and Financial Affairs)

Attendance is free but registration is required: https://eveeno.com/278253985

Recent WIFO/GBV studies on the economic impacts of affordable housing:

The economic effects of non-profit housing (2021)

The price dampening effect of non-profit housing (2023)

English summaries of the reports available via: https://www.gbv.at/english/