What does the “climate crisis” mean for our housing stock? How can we build sustainable housing that supports the transition to a circular economy? What are the implications for affordability and for our tenants? These and many other questions had to be discussed in our 2020 edition of the European Summer School. Unfortunately, the pandemic stood on our way. Housing Europe will aim at organising this summer camp in 2021. Watch this space for more updates.

Each year young and early-career housing professionals from all over Europe come to Bochum to address current challenges for the social housing sector with leading international academic and housing sector experts. Develop new ideas and concepts in interactive workshops, see real-life examples in field visits, meet fellow housing professionals from other European countries, and build up your personal European network.

Check out participants’ experiences from previous years

The European Summer School is co-organised by EBZ Business School – University of Applied Sciences, EFL – European Federation for Living, Housing Europe and its partner, the Housing Initiative for Eastern Europe IWO.