In the framework of the European Platform on Combatting Homelessness, the event will bring together European institutions representatives, local authorities, the housing sector, policymakers and researchers to better understand EU funds’ potential to address homelessness, through for instance the designing of housing solutions or vacant housing renovation.

The event will take place at the European Parliament (A5E1, Spinelli building) on the 27th of March 2023, and will be hosted by MEP Kim van Sparrentak.

The debate is organised by the joint initiative of FEANTSA, Housing Europe, and Fondation Abbé Pierre, the Housing Solutions Platform which connects people, ideas, tools, and practices to help generate housing solutions.


Opening words

Kim Van Sparrentak, Member of the European Parliament (the Greens/Netherlands)

Parthena Hantzaridou, Swedish Presidency Representative, on behalf of the European Platform for Combatting Homelessness

Sorcha Edwards, Secretary General of Housing Europe and partner of the Housing Solutions Platform

Good practices of homelessness prevention 

Amaral Cunha Vasco, Loan Officer for Poland and the Baltic States, EIB  

Construction of 1300 affordable housing with EFSI support by Poznańskie Towarzystwo Budownictwa Społecznego, Poland 

Dieter Breuer, Initiative Bauen Wohnen Arbeiten (IBWA)

The IBWA model – Designing housing solutions by, with, and for homeless citizens, Cologne, Germany

Jan Milota, Czech Platform for Social Housing

How can EU funding support cities to transform vacant housing into affordable housing solutions?

Alison Harvey, National Planning Programmes Manager, Heritage Council, Ireland

Renaud Payre, Responsible for Housing from the City of Lyon

Alice Pittini, Research Director of Housing Europe


Sarah Coupechoux, Head of Fondation Abbé Pierre and partner of the Housing Solutions Platform