The European Affordable Housing Consortium is working on a set of recommendations for policy makers regarding what should change to promote integrated district renovations and help the launch of 100 lighthouse districts.
Our Policy Director, Julien Dijol shared the very first policy recommendations of the capacity building programme of the Affordable Housing Initiative (SHAPE-EU) which our organisation is leading: to improve and innovate with EU funding tools for affordable housing; to co-create and discuss what is possible with those who work on the ground; to use the EPBD, EED, RED directives as an opportunity to promote social housing renovation. You can read more on the policy focus of the project here.
The recommendations are drawn from the activities of the project, including events, blueprints for replication, study visits, and training sessions. They target EU, national (or regional if appropriate), levels of governance. They are organised according to three key themes:
- Sustainable financing tools
- Socially responsible regulation
- Promoting dialogue and partnerships at local level
We want to ensure as much as possible that the recommendations are serving the needs of project stakeholders, that is to say cities, social housing providers, small medium size enterprises.
A short draft of the recommendations will be shared a week prior to the meeting to facilitate your engagement. We will also provide more details about the format of the webinar.
For those unable to join, you are of course welcome to share your views by email to: or