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Housing Europe podcast

Making a House a Home

The Housing Europe podcast airing from the heart of the European Capital offers insights into the work of public, cooperative and social housing providers across Europe. Why is it legitimate to claim that they offer more than just housing; rather a home to people. Tune in to discover the urban, social, environmental and economic impact that access to affordable housing has in our communities.

List of episodes

Episode 1

The State of Housing in the EU 2017

In the first episode, we discuss with the President and the Research Coordinator of Housing  Europe the current State of Housing in the EU but also what…

Episode 2

Affordable housing and sustainable cities: a dynamic relationship

Cities are the focus point of the second episode of ‘Making a house a home’. As we are becoming increasingly “an urban species” according to the writer and…

Episode 3

Housing First

In the third episode of ‘Making a house a home’ we turn our spotlight to Housing First.

Are you writing a piece about the public, cooperative, and social housing sector? Or maybe you are digging into how we can lead the way out of the housing crisis? What are the good examples of decent, fair housing?