Wohnbaugenossenschaften Schweiz I Verband der gemeinnützigen Wohnbauträger
Hofackerstrasse 32
8032 Zürich, Switzerland
Tel: (+) 41 044 360 28 40
Email: info@wbg-schweiz.ch; svw@svw.ch
Since 2009 the Swiss Housing Cooperatives support the construction of affordable cooperative housing. The ‘rolling funds’ granted 321 loans with a value of 98.9 million Swiss Francs to non-for-profit building contractors – 38% of these loans went to the contractors in the Romande and the Tessin Kantons.
The Swiss Housing Cooperatives produce a monthly magazine entitled “Wohnen” – 11,000 copies are published each month in association with the Romande Region. It also acts as an advisory body on legal issues for its members and for the authorities. In 2009, the federation hosted 38 further training events in addition to classes and study visits.
Founding year: 1919
Members: 1.000 (Housing cooperatives, non-for-profit building contractors and foundations coming from 9 different regions)
Rental housing stock: 140.000 with a value of 26 billion Swiss Francs.