Issues tackled
The Metabuilding Platform is the digital meeting place for the innovation ecosystem of the European Built Environment sector. The platform allows all the innovation actors in this (and other related) industrial sectors to stay updated on latest innovations, find collaboration partners for development or business activities, showcase innovative products and solutions and to get an easy access to innovation, testing and certification support and services for their R&D projects.
The use of this concept for the public, cooperative and social housing sector will be tested through Poly-Ouvrages in France, Casa S.p.a in Italy and Vipasa in Spain, all part of the Housing Europe network.
Responsible colleague: João Gonçalves
Empowering SMEs to innovate: transforming social housing across Europe
Once again, the Housing Europe network is at the forefront of a large EU-funded project that aims to lower barriers to innovation in the construction sector. Since 2021, the METABUILDING Labs initiative has been empowering small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) to develop and test new solutions specifically within social housing neighbourhoods. The project focuses on enhancing the construction value chain through new materials, upgraded technical equipment, and boosting skills and training.
Housing Europe starts working on a massive EU project that lowers barriers to test innovative solutions in construction
The 5-year Horizon 2020 project, METABUILDING Labs (MBLabs) is oriented towards small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) that aims at reinforcing the construction sector value chain with new tools, innovative materials, upgraded technical framework, living labs, and upskilling. We tell you a bit more about its goals and the place of public, cooperative, social housing providers in it.