More than 2,000 registrations already made with participants arriving from 20 countries (and counting…), more than 70 events over 5 days in 20 different venues… The International Social Housing Festival Community is coming to life and is waiting for you, too! 4-8 June, the 2nd edition of the ISHF is taking place in Lyon providing a unique opportunity to celebrate the long tradition and the multiple added value of public, cooperative and social housing, to exchange with counterparts from around the world, to listen and discuss but also visit concrete examples on the ground. And of course, enjoy Lyon! To help you navigate through the programme on we have highlighted some events below that should definitely go on your itinerary.
Tuesday, June 4th
- Start your ISHF experience with the Opening Ceremony. The UN Special Rapporteur for the Right to Adequate Housing, Leilani Farha will be joined by several Mayors of major European and North American Cities as well as by representatives of public, cooperative and social housing providers to unfold the Festival agenda and the set the Lyon Declaration concerning a New Deal for Affordable Housing on track. Info
- The 7th edition of the short movie content our French Member, USH runs every year, will give you the chance to watch a preview of the 2019 finalists that provide an artistic look at the work of the HLM providers. Come and watch “HLM sur cour(t)”! Info
- Women who have experienced homelessness in London, Budapest, New Orleans, Sydney and Toronto. How does this shape their lives? Attend the opening of the exhibition NGO Cafe Art put together for the UNECE entitled ‘Women without walls’. Info
Wednesday, June 5th
- Two exhibitions provide you with a lot of material around the history of social housing in Europe and also around the Vienna model.
- the Viennese exhibition is a multimedia proof of the special affordable housing model that has turned the Viennese capital into a point of reference internationally. Info
- Lead by Union Sociale pour l’ Habitat and with the contribution of Housing and its members, the ‘Social Housing in Europe’ exhibition takes you to a visual journey across the key moments in the history of our sector across the continent. Info
A big open party will take place at 19.00 where housing providers celebrating 100 years of work will receive a special gift offered by Housing Europe Spanish member, AVS. We would like to celebrate the Federations and their Members existing for 100 years or more who will be in Lyon for the Festival to receive a gift to mark this long history in social housing in Europe on the evening of the 5th. Soft reception will be provided, Salle Louis Vicat, 19.00 to 21.30. Info
- Our German Member, GdW invites you to a workshop dedicated to strong greenhouse mitigation by social housing that will be give participants an overview of the German approach to such solutions, the support for suitable concepts through subsidies (e.g. KfW-programme Energetic Urban Renewal) and some examples, i.e. from a housing cooperative. Info
- A visit & workshop day on urban renovation, bridging a well-known best practice from Lyon, with examples from Amsterdam, Vienna, Berlin and the strategies suggested by research initiative of our Italian member, Federcasa ‘FedercasaLAB’. Info
- The Urban Innovative Actions Initiative has been created by the European Commission to share the risk of the experimentation with frontrunners cities to test innovative solutions to pressing urban challenges. In 2018, 5 new UIA projects have been funded under the topic of Housing (Brussels Capital Region, Ghent, Mataro’, Lyon Metropole and XIV district of Budapest). Demonstrating once more the integrated nature of any policy related to housing, the 5 projects approach the question under different but complementary angles, from housing affordability to social mix and energy efficiency. Now, this special UIA event hosted in the UIA supported project ‘L’ Autre Soie’ gives participants the chance to learn more about each of the projects and attend a panel discussion where UIA cities will bring their perspective on the main topics of the ISHF (Housing for all; Right to the city; a planet for tomorrow). The event will continue with different activities on the site of l’Autre Soie to discover the incredibly rich activities already going on and to imagine together how it will evolve with the UIA project Home Silk Road. Info
- Collaborative Housing builds on the ideas of empowering citizens to shape their environment and to collaborate with public and private stakeholders for producing the city as Commons – all of which are essential ingredients for inclusive and sustainable city-making and the implementation of the right to housing. The European Collaborative Housing Day does not only showcase inspiring civic initiatives, but also raises awareness and lays out a roadmap for the effective support of these community-led processes by public and private actors (in the institutional and financial realms). It also highlights links between the spheres of Collaborative Housing and the social economy, culture, digital technology and academic research. UrbaMonde and its partners, including Housing Europe and several of our members and partners like World Habitat, Legacoop Habitanti, Fondazione Housing Sociale, Cooperative Housing International and CLT Brussels, welcome you to join us for the European Collaborative Housing Day in the City Hall of Lyon’s 1st district, a historical area of cooperatives, social economy and self-organized movements! Check out the rich and diverse programme. Info
- Housing Europe, in the context of the TripleA-Reno Road Show, will present, discuss and evaluate the features and relevant benefits of the TripleA-reno gamified platform. This Road Show event focuses on the creation of awareness on how the Triple A-Reno solutions can help the social/public/cooperative housing sector to achieve energy efficiency investments in deep retrofits, as well as to increase the affordability, acceptance and attractiveness for their residents. The workshop aims to involve our Housing Europe members and final users to create more awareness vis-à-vis energy efficiency investments, comfort and health, by taking into account behavioural and social factors that are key in the TripleA-Reno Project. Info
- Josh Crites, from Arizona Health Care Cost Containment System, one of the ISHF 2017 ‘heroes’ will present a workshop on healthcare and housing from an American perspective. He will go over the Social Determinants of Health and explain why affordable housing is the correct medicine for many of the healthcare issues people have. He will then provide examples of healthcare and housing partnerships throughout America. The examples will include healthcare investment in housing Portland, Oregon, California, New York and other parts of the USA. Info
- Feantsa and Fondation Abbé Pierre are presenting their 4th overview of housing exclusion in Europe. With additional views from researchers, local stakeholders, people who experience(d) homelessness. Knowing together, to act together on key levers, to solve homelessness. Info
Thursday, June 6th
- ‘This Land is whose Land’ – brought to you by Housing Europe | The annual agenda-setting event around public, cooperative and social housing in Europe is held this year on Thursday, 6 June 2019 within the 2nd International Social Housing Festival in Lyon. Every year, more than 150 representatives of housing associations across Europe, policymakers and the civil society come together in an exchange that generates evidence-based policy suggestions on the key issues of the housing agenda. Find out more about the theme and meet our keynote speaker, Saskia Sassen Info
- The EU has set out a plan that aims at increasing the use of private finance for the financing of social infrastructures. At a time when public funding for affordable housing tends to be limited, discussing about and with private investors on how to channel funds into the social housing sector seems relevant and timely. Housing Europe and DELPHIS join forces for a practical workshop aiming at presenting the results of the initiatives taken by social housing providers to improve their way of reporting the financial and non-financial impact of their activities. Info
- See how the Headquarters of the Festival, the Catholic University of Lyon (UCLY) were transformed from a prison into a multifunctional living space. OGIC, one the ISHF sponsors offers a guided tour you should not miss. Info
- The Housing Solutions Platform, an expertise- and practice-driven initiative to identify, debate and promote innovative solutions for affordable housing in Europe, a joint venture of Housing Europe, FEANTSA and the Fondation Abbé Pierre presents and discusses examples of innovative housing solutions which offer a useful contribution to the debate around how to give access to decent housing to the most vulnerable households. Info
- Korea, Hong-Kong, Taïwan, Singapore, Nepal… Asian countries have different histories, context, administrative culture, housing issues. Join representatives from these countries for multicultural debate around housing. Info
- Since 2018, Housing First has accelerated in France through a convention between national State and some major cities. In Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, Lyon, Clermont-Ferrand and Grenoble are involved in that process and now welcome more experienced stakeholders from Europe, carrying out the Housing First Hub. Info
- Following a rapid increase of migrants entering Sweden over the last few years our housing systems and social structures have come under pressure. Certain neighborhoods were particularly troublesome and employment among new migrants was very low. The public housing company of Norrköping decided that somebody had to do something to mitigate segregation, and therefor they created the Portal; a meeting place with one goal; make people get a job. By focusing on people’s strengths rather than weaknesses, the Portal has become a true story of success. Good ideas are worth spreading and therefore Public Housing Sweden (SABO), a member of Housing Europe, is currently working to replicate this initiative to other cities in Sweden. Find out more
- PUSH is a new documentary from award-winning director Fredrik Gertten, investigating why we can’t afford to live in our own cities anymore. Housing is a fundamental human right, a precondition to a safe and healthy life. But in cities all around the world, having a place to live is becoming more and more difficult. Who are the players and what are the factors that make housing one of today’s most pressing world issues? Come watch the movie in Lyon
- The 25 finalists of the 3rd European Responsible Housing Awards 2019 get on stage to share their inspiring projects with the Festival community. Come meet them at the ceremony and find out who the winners will be. A joint initiative by Housing Europe, the International Union of Tenants (IUT) and Delphis. Info
Friday, June 7th
- Are you a member or partner of Housing Europe? Then there is only one place to start your day, the General Assembly of our network. Haven’t registered yet? Then do so here
- The European High-Level Roundtable on Housing will build upon key documents issued by the United Nations, Housing Europe and the Committee of the Regions, namely the “2030 Agenda on Sustainable Development”, the “Geneva UN Charter on Sustainable Housing”, the “Action Plan of the Housing Partnership” under the Urban Agenda for the EU, the “State of Housing in Europe Report” and the “Towards a European Agenda on Housing” report. The event, jointly organised by the UNECE, Housing Europe and Lyon Metropole with the support of the European Committee of the Regions will bring together senior officials responsible for housing and urban affairs, representatives of local and regional authorities, housing providers, experts and representatives of international organisations to discuss and exchange experiences in bridging the gap in affordable, adequate and energy efficient housing. Info
- Eurhonet and the European Federation for Living joint Topic Group on Social Domain and Social Integration welcomes its members and other festival participants for an all day event dealing with cooperative/collaborative housing, the CHARM project on circular construction, through presentations and interactive discussions. After the lunch, participants are invited to join an excursion to mural art in Lyon, a result of cooperation between housing association Vilogia, Cité Creation and residents. Info
- Archipel Centre De Culture Urbaine hosts an exhibition dedicated to cooperative housing in Zurich from June 7 to July 31, 2019. It will present a selection of recent singular operations (20 projects and a neighborhood) that challenge the traditional conception of housing and experiment with other ways of living. Zurich, the economic capital of Switzerland, has become a reference for almost 20 years in the field of housing architecture and social housing. The exhibition will run until 31 July. Info