Scientists say that the next 10 years are critical to minimise the existential threat that climate change and environmental degradation pose to the world. Striving to be the first climate-neutral continent, the European Green Deal is the European Union’s commitment to work towards systemic change, rethinking our ways, striving for innovation and discovering opportunities through sustainability, including jobs and growth in the post-pandemic world.
On the occasion of the 2020 European Green Week (19-22 October) European cooperative movement welcomes this year’s theme titled ‘A new beginning for people and nature,’ and releases its statement on the necessity to consider cooperatives as key partners for the green transition. With sustainability embedded in its business model and governance, the potential of cooperatives in the implementation of the European Green Deal is showcased together with the sectorial members of Cooperatives Europe, including CECOP, EACB, Euro Coop, Cogeca, Housing Europe and
Climate action is also the theme of the 2020 International Day of Cooperatives. Cooperatives, through their values and principles, are committed to sustainability across their businesses and local communities, leaving no one behind.
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