After Amsterdam 2017, Lyon 2019, and Helsinki 2022, the 4th edition of the International Social Housing Festival will take place in Barcelona 7-9 June 2023.

ISHF 2023 will focus on the lessons to be learned from mature as well as emerging housing systems vis-à-vis emerging social and economic challenges across the world, with a special focus on Southern Europe and extensive participation from the rest of the continent, Asia, Latin America, and North America.

The Festival is a collective process that requires the energy and creativity of the full ecosystem of stakeholders that belong to the social, public, and cooperative housing sector. That is why we encourage you to think outside the box and propose interesting and imaginative events, on your own or together with other international partners.

The City of Barcelona and Housing Europe are officially launching the Festival website, together with the release of the call for events that can be submitted until Tuesday, January 24After submission, the team will assess each proposal to find the appropriate format and venue, as well as to put peers in touch with each other in case you have thought alike.

While housing systems across the world have seen an increase in market-driven urban development and a retraction of the public sector in the regulation and direct provision of housing in the last decades, some cities – including Barcelona – are introducing innovative housing policies to respond to pressing social needs resulting from the financialisation of housing, housing unaffordability, forced evictions, homelessness, or migration flows, among other trends.

Save the date and join us in Barcelona on June 7-9 2023 to find answers to some of today’s most relevant questions together.
Learn more about ISHF 2023 at 

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Follow us on Twitter and Facebook, and let us know if you are coming via the #ISHF2023 hashtag. 

If you would like to discuss your event proposal in advance or have any questions, get in touch with our Communications Director, Diana Yordanova

Apply with your idea for an event until January, 24