Housing Europe is happy to announce its new webinars – Innovation bites – bringing forward innovation projects, with a focus on policy and funding, part of the broader ‘For a Green Deal driving Decent Housing for All’ series.
We cannot expect different results or improvements if we keep applying the same solutions to a problem, whether it is the constant increase of the cost of living or not feeling warm or cool enough at home. This is why more innovative answers, that would not only prepare the places where we live to be more adapted to the environment, but also to do so without leaving anyone behind.
The good news is that many interesting ideas are being tested out there. However, it is paramount that these ideas and their results are put forward, to inspire and eventually encourage scaling up. In our series, we have chosen four projects:
- The European Affordable Housing Consortium, SHAPE-EU, has as a mission to support renovation at district level
- NRG2PEERS is focused on improving the creation of energy communities
- Drive-0 aims to accelerate deep renovation, prioritising circular solutions in a cost effective manner
- syn.ikia’s goal is to prove that the neighbourhood approach is the best when wanting to ensure energy efficiency without compromising the well-being of the residents.
A project is not an isolated environment, its goals are set to respond to existing issues, and its results are meant to inspire solutions. The development of demonstration cases can serve as testbeds for different types of funding and financing, while lessons learned from a project could deliver solid arguments for new or improved policies.
The EU Green Deal must not leave anyone behind. Now is the time to set the right priorities at political level. We must adapt new and renovated homes to climate change and social needs. It is generally agreed that housing should be a right. But housing without affordable means to light, heat, cool, cook – is not decent housing. To achieve this goal, a unified European Housing Plan should be launched, that could harmonise all existing tools, and mobilise the necessary resources for a responsible Renovation Wave. One of its reference point is the European Affordable Housing Initiative, a valuable source of knowledge.
With the right plan, social and affordable housing providers in Europe could commit to delivering over 200,000 new homes annually emitting lowest carbon per m2 possible. People expect more than a few more centimetres of insulation and a couple of solar panels. They would be on board with the goals of the green deal if it makes homes energy-saving, at a price they can pay.
Discover the sessions:
23rd of November | Renewable energy sharing in the public, cooperative, and social housing sector in Europe – supporting the just transition
30th of November | Reducing carbon footprint without reducing the delivery of social & affordable homes
5th of December | District Renovation Policy Crafting
Follow this space as more sessions are to come!