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Beyond affordability: addressing housing vulnerability and the need for fact-based policies

A strong message at the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC)

Brussels, Belgium, 26 September 2024 | Published in Economy, Social

The risk of using the word "affordable" housing too loosely is that we miss the deeper social responsibility we have as a society. While tackling housing affordability is vital and urgent, we must not lose sight of homelessness and the most vulnerable.

At a critical juncture as the European Commission and Parliament teams that will be working on housing are being formed, our Secretary General, Sorcha Edwards delivered this critical message at the European Economic and Social Committee. She insisted that to make informed decisions, we also need better data that shows the true picture of housing across Europe. This will help us push for policies that work for everyone, not just a select few.

A guiding compass for future meetings of EU housing ministers should be the #Housing2030 report which offers 160+ real solutions that have made a difference in land policy, better governance, sustainable housing, and better finance. 

Sorcha reminded that housing touches so many parts of our lives, from energy to social inclusion. This is why the next European Commissioner must connect the dots and bring different EU policy departments to look at all different angles that impact where people in Europe live.