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European Responsible Housing Awards: Apply today to highlight your impact

The deadline to share your inspiring projects is January 19, 2025

Brussels, Belgium, 16 October 2024 | Published in Future of the EU & Housing

The European Responsible Housing Awards for public, cooperative, social, and community-led housing set an example of how homes and neighbourhoods can be sustainable, affordable, beautiful, and foster community all at once, embodying the New Housing Paradigm. The initiative is powered by Housing Europe, the International Union of Tenants (IUT), and DELPHIS. The ceremony will take place on June 4-6, 2025 in Dublin, during the International Social Housing Festival. Now, it is time to apply.

The winning projects excel in engaging tenants in decisions, ensuring proximity to services and jobs, providing information and training, and guaranteeing long-term affordability and security. The Awards offer well-deserved recognition for outstanding achievements in the not-for-profit housing sector in Europe, creating an opportunity for networking with like-minded practitioners and experts, and a platform to advocate for increased action. Moreover, they are evaluated by tenant unions which are the majority of the Jury compsition.

The evaluation criteria focus on key factors. The Jury assesses the strength of collaborations and partnerships in the project’s design and implementation. They also consider the project’s impact on raising awareness of CSR, responsible housing, and sustainability, alongside the organisation’s transparency and accountability. Operational effectiveness, including the use of tools and replicability, is reviewed, as well as the shared value created and how it was measured. Finally, the Jury evaluates the project's innovation, particularly in using new approaches or technologies to address housing needs.


Management excellence for housing affordability

  • Invest sustainably by balancing service quality, costs, and affordability to keep housing costs low for tenants.
  • Collaborate with residents to introduce energy-saving improvements that reduce bills and increase comfort.
  • Focus on long-term affordable housing to stabilize markets and limit real estate speculation.
  • Support local economic growth, job creation, and innovation through responsible partnerships and procurement practices.

Agents of just green transition, leaders of innovation

  • Minimize the environmental impact of housing through sustainable construction and retrofitting, while staying within budget.
  • Work with residents to reduce energy consumption, tackle energy poverty, prevent pollution, and use natural resources responsibly.
  • Incorporate green infrastructure and shared green spaces in housing areas and partner with other organizations to create eco-friendly neighbourhoods.

Building strategic alliances, fostering community participation

  • Ensure clear communication and transparency in decision-making, expenses, and services.
  • Work with local authorities to provide accessible information on housing options and ensure a transparent allocation process.
  • Promote strong partnerships with clear roles, mutual commitments, and active stakeholder engagement.
  • Encourage structured tenant/resident participation by providing the necessary knowledge and information.
  • Maintain accountability to stakeholders, offering opportunities for feedback and joint evaluation of activities and their impact.

Empowering the team, fairness, and diversity at work

  • Promote workplace diversity and gender equality.
  • Provide equal opportunities and fair working conditions for everyone, free from discrimination.
  • Support career growth through mentoring, training, and learning opportunities.
  • Ensure a safe and healthy work environment with a strong focus on work-life balance.

“More than a roof” – supporting communities of equal opportunities

  • Ensure that decent, affordable housing is available now and in the future.
  • Keep homes well-maintained with necessary repairs and improvements, involving residents in decision-making.
  • Provide secure tenancy agreements and help residents access support to stay in their homes.
  • Meet the diverse needs of all households, including the most vulnerable, and prevent discrimination.
  • Collaborate with local authorities and others to ensure fair access to housing and services, promoting social diversity.
  • Work together locally to strengthen community bonds and fight social and spatial segregation.

2025 SPECIAL PRIZE – Going the extra mile for safe and sound living

  • Promote safe neighbourhoods for all.
  • Work on architecture adapted for all residents and tenants.
  • Showcase good practices in improving the community feeling.
  • Develop projects that aim at fostering cohesion and safety

Looking for examples? Make sure to check the 23 finalists back in 2022. 

Find all information about the Awards on the official website.

The deadline to apply is January 19, 2025.