In less than 90 seconds, the massive earthquakes in Turkey and Syria took thousands of lives and left many people without their loved ones, and a roof over their heads.

While we can only do little against the power of nature, a series of media reports are revealing that the improper management of home construction and mishandling of funds can have a tragic effect on people, an entire country, and the economy. Today, we hear concerns that some donations might not reach fully the earthquake regions and victims. However, there is no doubt that people on the ground do need immediate financial support to get back on their feet.
Housing Europe’s network has been active in setting up fundraising opportunities and financial support schemes targeting the earthquakes in Turkey and Syria.
At national level, our former member in Turkey, Türkkent has identified the Turkish agency for catastrophes, AFAD to be the best way to donate to a local institution.
The Social Platform, the largest NGO working on social issues in Brussels, has identified three other opportunities that target specific groups.

  • The European confederation of industrial and service cooperatives (CECOP) has shared the call of Türkiye Koop, ORKOOP, and Genc Isi Kooperatif for support.
  • Setting up an emergency children fund, Save the Children has also launched a call to support the rebuilding of the “close to 353,000 buildings that have collapsed or been damaged in Türkiye and northern Syria, including children’s homes, hospitals, and schools.”
  • The European Roma Grassroot organisation (ERGO) is collecting funds for Roma victims of the earthquake.

If you are aware of an ongoing fund that can be trusted and can rebuild people’s future, please share it with us.