10 minutes with Luca Talluri, the new President of Federcasa in Italy
Meet the faces behind housing providers across Europe
Florence, 14 January 2015 | Social, Urban, Economy, EnergyEvery month we introduce you to one of the people leading the work of our member organisations. In this edition, we head to Italy to introduce you to the new President of the national federation, 'Federcasa', Luca Talluri.
Federcasa ID
- I would describe Federcasa in 10 words as: a federation of more than a hundred of associates that build and manage social housing.
- Our key objectives are to promote and support wellbeing through better provision of social housing and to work for a more and more better management of public property.
- Apart from housing provision, our mission is to increase urban and energy efficiency.
- We are members of Housing Europe because it represents our interests in the institutions and authorities of the EU and because meetings and discussions with other members are a way of learning each other and growing.
In Italy...
- Housing is considered to be in Italy an important industrial sector for the economic growth of the country. Social housing is the branch which tries to meet the requirements and needs of the poor.
- Our key partners in the country are the municipalities and the regions.
- Our main housing policy priority at the moment is to increase housing supply by renovating existing public property and by constructing new buildings to be able to meet the constantly increasing housing demand.
- The major challenge for the country today is to provide housing as much as possible in a way to support sustainability both of the communities and the environment.
In Person...
- I start my working day with a cup of black coffee.
- After leaving the office I relax myself cooking for my fiancée.
- Currently I am reading Paul Greenberg’s “Four Fish”.
- I move around by car and, when possible, on foot.
- I prefer having on my table a glass of good wine.
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