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Housing Observatory

Launched more than 25 years ago, the Housing Europe Observatory is the research branch of the Federation and point of reference for facts, figures and key trends in the field of public, cooperative and social housing across Europe.

L'Etat du logement en Europe en 2023

L'Etat du logement en Europe en 2023

La publication phare de Housing Europe "L'état du logement en Europe" rassemble de nombreux développements que personne n'aurait cru possibles. La situation provoquée par la pandémie mondiale a été aggravée par une guerre, une nouvelle vague de migration et une crise énergétique. Les données recueillies dans 17 pays confirment les circonstances alarmantes, mais en même temps elles fournissent des solutions qui ont été appliquées dans le secteur en réponse à tous ces facteurs. 

Fostering Social Cohesion and Safety in Vulnerable Areas: Tested practices in public, cooperative, and social housing

Fostering Social Cohesion and Safety in Vulnerable Areas: Tested practices in public, cooperative, and social housing

The evolving landscape of urban areas across Europe, has illuminated the critical role of investing in people to foster inclusive, resilient communities. These investments focus on improving living conditions, quality housing and access to opportunities, addressing the root causes of segregation, social exclusion and anti-social behaviour. Such investments are essential steps towards mitigating the social and economic divides that often characterise urban areas. 

Social and affordable housing: measuring the socio-economic impact

Social and affordable housing: measuring the socio-economic impact

The immediate effect of the increase in the purchasing power of households, as they save on housing costs; alleviating poverty, providing homes to households on low incomes at rates that they can better afford; better health outcomes are some of the key outcomes that we should take into account when we speak about social and affordable housing. Read this brief which shows why investment in public, cooperative, and social housing has a significant payback to our society. 

The State of Housing in Europe in 2022 mid-term update

The State of Housing in Europe in 2022 mid-term update

The shocking invasion of Ukraine has brought about an extraordinary set of circumstances throughout Europe – a refugee and energy crisis, on top of a health pandemic crisis, on top of an already deepened affordable housing crisis. The challenges ahead of us are growing. In this brief update of our biannual State of Housing in Europe report we reflect on the current challenges and responses from the public, cooperative and social housing sector.