European Social Housing Award
CECODHAS Housing Europe meets Solar Decathlon Europe 2014
Versailles, 3 July 2014Save the date20 Projects from across the EU will compete for the European Social Housing Prize 2014 that will be awarded by CECODHAS Housing Europe.
A team of Jurors coordinated by CECODHAS Housing Europe, composed by high-level Social Housing Experts including Directors of both National Federations and Local Housing Companies, Technical & Building Physics Experts and Specialists in Housing Regeneration Programmes, Fuel Poverty and innovative approaches to working with low income and vulnerable households, will also evaluate the proposed 20 projects and award the “Housing Europe meets Solar Decathlon Europe 2014 Award - For a Fair Energy Transition in the EU”.
This award will be based on usability and affordability (both in the construction and use-phase) criteria from the perspective of the residents and the providers. This mix of Jurors' skills and competences will assure that the evaluation of the proposed projects will be made from different angles and therefore that usability and affordability criteria from the perspective of the residents and the providers will be reflected in the jury’s choice.
Stay tuned until July 3rd to find out more about the 20 projects, including the winning one.