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Getting our homes future ready

Essential skills and innovative solutions for a fair energy transition

Brussels, 8 March 2017Save the date

An initiative of Housing Europe as part of the PROF/TRAC project. You may now check out the Storify report of the day at the bottom of this page.


8 March 2017, 09:30-17:00, House of Dutch Provinces, Rue de Trèves 59 - 61, 1050 Brussels

Brought to you by Housing Europe &
Hosted by the House of Dutch Provinces

Achieving a clean energy transition in the housing sector is a hard nut to crack. Any viable strategy must aim to scale-up approaches that have already been tried and tested and not rely on targets alone. When it comes to actual practices that work on the ground, under the right conditions, public, cooperative and social housing providers are the ones that have taken the lead in getting the job done.

Between 2010 and 2015 it is estimated that these housing providers have invested more than 32,8 billion €  in refurbishment projects in 1.843.000 dwellings generating a total of 506.550 full-time jobs.

We would like to invite you to our conference which following the publication of the winter package aims to inform EU policy by showcasing a wide range of initiatives already unfolding across Europe, solutions that are paving the way for the large scale uptake of  tools and strategies for the modernization of the EU housing stock.

The key question emerging is what are the essential skills and training needs to carry out energy renovation in the social housing sector?

We will address in particular lessons learned on

  • Developing innovative business cases that work for home owners, tenants and landlords
  • Innovative procurement methods which reduce the risk by ensuring higher quality
  • Centralization of the citizens’ perspective in planning of works
  • Paving the way for a real de-centralization of energy ownership and production.

While progress is significant, making quality renovation affordable for all residents within in sector is an ongoing challenge for social housing providers. The cost of renovation and the various schemes and mechanisms to finance it are determining factors, too. Bringing down at the same time the cost of renovation and the cost of finance are crucial considerations for the policy debate.

Study Visit to the latest SLRB Passive Social Housing Project

18:00-19:00 (Participation only upon registration)

The session will be followed by a study visit to the newly built project of social housing at the passive house standard in Brussels on rue de la plume 1000 Brussels (Quartier des Marolles).

This visit aims at showing how the social housing sector, by providing a better than average energy performance at a below market price, contributes to the fight against poverty. More specifically the new social housing projects, which by law needs to meet the passive house standard in Brussels region, will bring a new type of comfort for tenants while maintaining the affordability of the rent. The visit will also focus on the challenges facing social landlords willing to build nearly zero or net zero energy homes.

Due to the limited number of people who can follow the visit, please make sure that you register for it.

The PROF / TRAC project, under which this event will take place, targets technical experts, architects and managers involved in nZEB design and construction. The developed European training and qualification scheme will be part of a life-long learning process for continuous development and up-skilling of professionals.