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Innovation Shots

June 2018

Brussels, 22 June 2018 | Published in Energy, Economy
Sebastien Garnier presents Housing Europe's role at the Triple-A Reno kick-off meeting
Sebastien Garnier presents Housing Europe's role at the Triple-A Reno kick-off meeting

Housing Europe initiated its participation in two new European projects. May and June saw the kick-off meetings of Houseful and TripleA-Reno, two Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation projects that promise to deliver very innovative ideas and solutions.

Housing Europe in EU projects

As in all the other EU project Housing Europe is involved in, we will: 1) use EU funds to work with members (of members) and European partners to co-develop innovations; 2) make sure the activities and outcomes are useful for social and affordable housing in Europe and finally 3) disseminate and communicate relevant findings and outcomes to members and stakeholders.


The main goal of the HOUSEFUL project is to develop and demonstrate in four full-scale residential buildings in Austria and Spain, an innovative integrated circular service focused on the optimal management and use of water, waste, energy and material resources during all stages of the life cycle of residential buildings (new and existing). The services will be driven by a simple-to-use interactive repository of new Circular Economy Business Opportunities (CEBO). It will be co-created with citizens and stakeholders through the promotion of existing and innovative solutions proposed within HOUSEFUL for a successful transition to a circular model. Our involved membership: NEUES LEBEN (AT) and AGENCIA DE L'HABITATGE DE CATALUNYA (ES).


When preparing for deep energy renovation, the decisions of residents and their acceptance can be a huge challenge. TripleA-Reno will make deep and nZE renovations more attractive for consumers and end-users by providing them with clear, unambiguous and meaningful information and communication on real, proven performances on energy, indoor environment quality and personal health. It will strengthen consumer centred business models. TripleA-reno will achieve this by developing an open end-users centred gamified platform for validation and community building. Our involved membership: FEDERCASA (IT) and EIGE (ES).

Our next partner in innovation?

Housing Europe always requires the participation of members (of members) in the EU projects it is involved in. If you are interested to participate and learn more about upcoming relevant EU projects, please ask Michalis to add your name to our special Project Signal mailing list.