Article 24 Nov 21 Autumn package shows optimism about recovery while level of insecurity remains high European Commissioner for Economy, Paolo Gentiloni stresses that house price growth has increased in the EU
Article 18 Nov 21 Housing investment through Cohesion Policy 2021-27 Read about the outcomes of our Housing Europe session
Press release 6 Oct 21 A breakthrough #Housing2030 report by Housing Europe, UNECE and UN-Habitat shows effective policies for affordable housing in the UNECE region Time to think and do differently
Article 3 Jun 21 Financing greater circularity in the renovation & development of public, cooperative and social housing The benefits of a low-carbon, sustainable, circular affordable housing movement
News 25 May 21 What does it take to turn the tide on housing affordability? An op-ed by Housing Europe's Secretary-General, Sorcha Edwards following the conference of the Portuguese EU Council Presidency 'Towards a European approach to Housing Policy'
Publication 20 Jan 21 The sale of social and public housing in Europe The Housing Europe Observatory with a new research commissioned by l’Union sociale pour l’habitat and Caisse des Dépôts in France
Article 10 Dec 20 Why the European Pillar of Social Rights should be a guiding principle of EU policies?
News 26 Nov 20 The socio-economic impact of COVID in the 2021 European Semester ‘Autumn package’ Housing Europe looks at housing market trends, economic imbalances and measures.
Press release 2 Jun 20 Housing: an essential piece of the ‘Next Generation EU’ puzzle Time is now for a global rethink of housing policy. The EU must lead on this.
News 26 May 20 Housing in the Coronavirus European Semester A COVID-19 impacted version of Country Specific Recommendations