Press release 11 Dec 23 The political agreement on the new EU Buildings Directive backs already-ongoing renovation strategies in public, cooperative and social housing Soon, the ball will be in the courts of EU Member States who must ensure that the green ambition is well-financed and socially-inclusive
Press release 27 Mar 23 Putting EU funds to housing for homelessness prevention Press release about the Housing Solutions Platform debate at the European Parliament
Press release 14 Sep 22 Brave political moves and change of thinking could turn SOTEU progressive ideas into reality The three key points that Housing Europe took home after the annual speech of President Ursula von der Leyen
Press release 14 Jul 21 Is the delivery of a Social Green Deal right on track? EU’s ‘Fit for 55’ policies through the eyes of social and affordable housing
Press release 4 Mar 21 Additional instruments needed to turn fair housing principle of the Social Pillar into action Housing Europe's immediate reaction to the ESPR Action Plan
Press release 4 Dec 20 Community Land Trusts in Europe: Building common ground across Europe towards a transnational movement
Press release 2 Jun 20 Housing: an essential piece of the ‘Next Generation EU’ puzzle Time is now for a global rethink of housing policy. The EU must lead on this.
Press release 14 Jan 20 The EU at the housing crossroads Why Brussels has a key role to play in addressing Europe’s housing crisis
Press release 1 Oct 19 Housing crisis still on! An EU Action Plan for affordable housing is needed Housing Europe presents ‘The State of Housing in the EU’ 2019
Press release 19 Feb 19 Social rental intermediation How private landlords can contribute to solve the housing crisis?
Press release 29 May 18 Reducing the EU Cohesion Policy budget is shooting Europe in its own foot 6 ways to avoid this historical mistake
Press release 20 Mar 18 Housing Europe initiates closer collaboration with the Metropolitan Region of Lyon The second edition of the International Social Housing Festival will take place in Lyon
Press release 25 Sep 17 Threat to French social housing Housing Europe expresses concern about the housing strategy presented by the French government
Press release 27 Mar 17 The International Social Housing Festival kicks off ‘Affordable housing now, better communities tomorrow’
Press release 16 Nov 16 Responsible housing is the response to the housing challenges The Ceremony of the second European Responsible Housing Awards