News 8 Feb 24 Housing Europe at the first European Summit dedicated to climate adaptation issues EU's Green Deal, one of the greatest opportunities to integrate vital climate adaptation measures
Position paper 25 Jan 24 European Manifesto to Lead the Way out of the Housing Crisis Housing Europe urges EU policymakers to follow 3 steps and ensure that affordable and decent housing becomes, and stays, a reality for all
News 3 Jan 24 Housing Europe starts official cooperation with the Belgian Presidency of the Council of the European Union New Year, new collaboration
Press release 11 Dec 23 The political agreement on the new EU Buildings Directive backs already-ongoing renovation strategies in public, cooperative and social housing Soon, the ball will be in the courts of EU Member States who must ensure that the green ambition is well-financed and socially-inclusive
News 23 Nov 23 Renewable energy sharing in the public, cooperative, and social housing sector in Europe And how to support the just transition
Article 31 Oct 23 Housing Europe’s project demonstrating affordable and well-thought renovation has a special mention in a New European Bauhaus report When sustainability, beauty, and inclusivity take over the neighbourhood
Publication 21 Sep 23 Accelerating deep energy retrofit in housing through modular and circular solutions Reporting from Athlone, Ireland
News 13 Mar 23 The impact of the new energy Efficiency Directive on social and affordable housing Housing Europe's first take on the EED
Article 28 Feb 23 When sustainability is not only about the green transition, but also about ensuring the well-being of residents in affordable housing The case of the Sustainable Plus Energy Neighbourhoods
News 24 Feb 23 Wanted: the Affordable Housing Initiative Consortium is in search of experts in district renovation and housing providers who are looking for support Respond to the call until March 10, 2023
Press release 10 Feb 23 JOINT REACTION: Green housing must be affordable and inclusive for all Key vote at the European Parliament leaves questions about social safeguards unanswered
Press release 9 Feb 23 The new buildings directive can be a driver for green, fair communities but must be tweaked to achieve this goal First reaction of Housing Europe right after the European Parliament energy committee vote
News 9 Feb 23 Housing Europe, an official partner of the European Solar PV Industry Alliance New ambition for renewables
Article 23 Dec 22 Every project counts in achieving a fair energy transition Have a look at the three newly started projects that use the approach of renovation
Article 19 Dec 22 Shielding the most vulnerable while renovating must be made possible People and housing at the crossroads of energy poverty and failing supply chains