Minute 10 Jul 15 Constructive discussions and a new member in the family The Housing Europe General Assembly 2015
Minute 26 Jun 15 Coordination and integrated approach to combat homelessness Key conclusions of the 2015 FEANTSA Policy Conference
Article 16 Jun 15 “Social mixing is not a one-size-fits-all solution to urban problems” An interview with Professor Maarten Van Ham
News 20 May 15 Does better regulation equal better EU law-making? What does the ambitious Timmermans agenda mean for Housing Europe and its members?
Campaign 1 Apr 15 A new start for the real estate sector Housing Europe supports the joint letter to the European Commission
News 31 Mar 15 Sweden: 436,000 homes needed Government suggests economic support for new construction
Press release 24 Feb 15 The German State of North Rhine-Westphalia joins the European Responsible Housing Initiative Housing Minister Michael Groschek signs the European Declaration
Position paper 5 Feb 15 TTIP and Social Housing The position of Housing Europe on the potential impact of the trade agreement on the housing sector
News 11 Dec 14 Keeping alive a platform of cooperation for EU urban and housing issues Housing Europe welcomes the approval of the URBAN Intergroup of the European Parliament for 5 more years