Article 26 Oct 21 Making the case for the sector at EUSEW2021 An overview of a series of events that focused on the social dimension of the energy transition in Europe
Article 11 Oct 21 Collective housing transformations that can generate longer term wins A thoughtful debate about emergency accommodation with the scope of the Housing Solutions Platform
Press release 14 Jul 21 Is the delivery of a Social Green Deal right on track? EU’s ‘Fit for 55’ policies through the eyes of social and affordable housing
Article 30 Jun 21 New European Bauhaus’ know-how of building communities A collective response from social, affordable housing providers, European cities and artists
Article 30 Jun 21 Homelessness post-Covid19 can end with strong social housing policies and partnerships A mission that takes guts at all levels to push for new housing approaches
Position paper 22 Jun 21 Does the platform on combatting homelessness herald a new evidence-based approach to housing from EU level? Housing Europe statement marking the launch of the European Platform on Combating Homelessness
Position paper 18 Jun 21 Joint Statement: EU Member States must act to stop evictions and prevent homelessness To all member states participating in the High-level Meeting on Homelessness of 21 June
News 14 Jun 21 Housing Europe becomes an official partner and jury of the New European Bauhaus initiative Vote for social and affordable housing projects until 18th June, 23:59 CET
News 25 May 21 What does it take to turn the tide on housing affordability? An op-ed by Housing Europe's Secretary-General, Sorcha Edwards following the conference of the Portuguese EU Council Presidency 'Towards a European approach to Housing Policy'
News 26 Apr 21 The New European Bauhaus Prizes What is in there for public, cooperative and social housing providers?
Document 26 Apr 21 Open letter concerning European commitment to end homelessness at the Porto Social Summit Read the asks of Housing Europe and more than 100 MEPs, mayors and NGOs
Article 5 Mar 21 Features, governance and funding of the European Affordable Housing Initiative and the New European Bauhaus What should we keep in mind?
Press release 4 Mar 21 Additional instruments needed to turn fair housing principle of the Social Pillar into action Housing Europe's immediate reaction to the ESPR Action Plan