Position paper 4 Mar 24 The EU must provide future-proof solutions for people displaced from Ukraine Housing Europe and 130 civil society organisations call on the EU to propose timely, coordinated, collective and future-proof solutions
Position paper 25 Jan 24 European Manifesto to Lead the Way out of the Housing Crisis Housing Europe urges EU policymakers to follow 3 steps and ensure that affordable and decent housing becomes, and stays, a reality for all
Position paper 21 Sep 22 The European Care Strategy requires to improve the affordability of care services but overlooks the current lack of affordable housing
Position paper 17 Jun 22 Proposal for a Housing Europe offer within the framework of EU support to Ukraine rebuilding Public, cooperative, and social housing providers standing with the people of Ukraine
Position paper 29 Mar 22 Delivering a dignified housing response to Ukraine European social, cooperative, public housing’s contribution to welcoming refugees from Ukraine
Position paper 7 Mar 22 Europe’s Housing Crisis calls for a clear commitment to boost public investment from the EU and European Housing Ministers 10-point plan contribution to the informal conference of EU Ministers responsible for Housing March, 8th 2022, Nice
Position paper 22 Jun 21 Does the platform on combatting homelessness herald a new evidence-based approach to housing from EU level? Housing Europe statement marking the launch of the European Platform on Combating Homelessness
Position paper 18 Jun 21 Joint Statement: EU Member States must act to stop evictions and prevent homelessness To all member states participating in the High-level Meeting on Homelessness of 21 June
Position paper 1 Dec 20 Housing Europe contribution to the consultation on the EPSR action plan In the wake of the growing affordable housing crisis and the recovery from the pandemic, the European Pillar of Social Rights should not be forgotten
Position paper 20 Mar 20 #StayAtHome and Europe’s housing crisis The COVID-19 pandemic exposes the shortcomings of our housing policies
Position paper 18 Mar 20 An EU Action Plan on Circular Economy What difference will it make for public, cooperative and social housing?
Position paper 2 May 18 Public, cooperative and social housing in the EU Cohesion policy post-2020 Taking stock of the local experience with the use of Structural Funds and the way forward
Position paper 25 Apr 18 Public, Cooperative and Social Housing, the EU policies and funding in the area of migration post-2020 Challenges, opportunities and policy recommendations
Position paper 24 Nov 16 Towards a more preventive, efficient, reactive social protection The position of Housing Europe on the EU Pillar of Social Rights
Position paper 12 Oct 16 Housing of refugees in cities: Showcasing the integrating role of housing providers A Housing Europe scoping paper for the EU Urban Agenda