Sustainability is one of the main topics of the Housing and the Innovation Agenda that Aedes- the Association of Dutch social housing corporations- members agreed upon before the summer. In the coming years, they will make their dwellings more energy efficient and increase the pace.
Meet the faces behind housing providers across Europe
Every month we introduce you to one of the people leading the work of our member organisations. In this edition, we thought of introducing you to the President of our new member from Finland, KOVA that joined the family of Housing Europe at our General Assembly in Amsterdam last June. Jaana Närö presents the organisation, gives us information about the perception of housing in Finland and shares some thoughts about the current challenges at national level. Plus, as usual, she reveals her secret recipe for a good life-work balance.
To improve sustainability and drive market demand for better buildings, Level(s) has been developed by the European Commission in close collaboration with stakeholders including Skanska, Saint-Gobain, Sustainable Building Alliance and Green Building Councils.