Le logement social: un véritable terrain d'innovation
Housing Europe's very first podcast in French puts la Société Wallonne du Logement in the spotlight
Social housing is often considered to be a laboratory where social and environmental innovation is taking place. This podcast which will bring us just a few kilometres from Housing Europe's headquarters will prove this.
We need to move to a life-cycle approach to assessing the cost of building and renovation
The highlights from Housing Europe's Renovation Summit
The small (but increasing) number of state-of-the-art circular public and social housing projects now prove that the is significant potential for cost savings for housing providers by moving from a ‘linear’ to a ‘circular’ model. Renovations are an opportunity to go the extra mile and upgrade resource use and management. Undoubtedly, besides shifting its perspective, the housing world needs to think about the cost behind the green transformation, especially when the raison d’être of public, cooperative and social housing providers is to offer homes that are good for the pocket and for the environment
The EASME (European Agency for small and medium enterprises) that was responsible for the EU Horizon 2020 projects will now become CINEA - the European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency.