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26 Oct 20 |

The Greens: Housing rights before market interests, for a socially just recovery

Spot on 7 measures that can deliver more affordable housing

The Greens: Housing rights before market interests, for a socially just recovery

Kim van Sparrentak, a Dutch MEP from the Greens is the rapporteur of the European Parliament initiative report on “Decent and Affordable Housing for All” and very much engaged in the topics concerning the public, cooperative and social housing sector. She has listed 7 measures to make the shift at European level.

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15 Sep 20 |

Homes in France – on the path to recovery

Homes in France – on the path to recovery

Our member in France, the Social Union for Housing (USH), the Banque des Territoires (Caisse des Dépôts group), the European Investment Bank and the Council of Europe Development Bank have established a key partnership that will lay down a foundation for social housing organisations in France to access European funding for long-term investments in affordable homes.

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8 Sep 20 |

MEP Estrella Durá in elDiario about Housing

The smart city: a social city

MEP Estrella Durá in elDiario about Housing

As elDiario mentions, we have assumed housing as one more commodity and we use the city as a commercial object for consumption and tourism, privatizing urban spaces and allowing 700,000 people in Europe to sleep on the street every night!

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