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23 Nov 22 |

The latest from Norway's housing cooperatives

Reinforcing Housing Europe's network with more face-to-face discussions post-COVID

The latest from Norway's housing cooperatives

In November, our member, the Co-operative Housing Federation of Norway (NBBL) met Housing Europe's staff in Brussels for a face-to-face exchange from which we learnt about what is at stake for cooperatives in the north while we explained how EU legislation is directly impacting the EEA area.

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14 Oct 22 |

The role of green finance in enabling the development and renovation of social housing

What is the role of Environmental Social and Governance (ESG) financing in boosting housing affordability?

The role of green finance in enabling the development and renovation of social housing

The energy transition and its financing have become engrained in the daily activities of social housing providers. Public grants and revolving funds are central to the viability of sustainability plans and key in increasing housing affordability. The housing 2030 report collects some of the best practices in the sector. While grants and funds are tried-and-tested means to finance the energy transition, other sources of financing such as carbon credits or green bonds have drawn the attention of private investors. These investment vehicles tend to come together under the umbrella of Environmental Social and Governance financing, better known by its acronym: ESG. Alex Fernandez, a PhD Research student at TU Delft, currently doing an internship at Housing Europe, is telling us more below.

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12 Oct 22 |

Tackling youth housing exclusion: houses in return for community involvement

Tackling youth housing exclusion: houses in return for community involvement

As a recent report by Fondation Abbé Pierre and FEANTSA showed, young people in Europe are increasingly at risk of housing exclusion. The lack of adequate and affordable housing undermines their chances of attending university far from home and grabbing job opportunities where they arise, particularly in large urban areas. For many young people, social housing is often out of reach because of long wait lists and allocation criteria that prioritise the most vulnerable households, given the lack of sufficiency of social and affordable homes. Igor Costarelli who is a research fellow at the University of Milan Bicocca and coordinator of the ENHR working group Housing and Young People, provides examples of how the social and affordable housing sector is addressing the issue.

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