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8 May 17 |

The value of exchange

Danish housing associations pay a visit to West London

The value of exchange

What can Danish housing associations and tenant representatives learn from a visit to West London? Exchange between member organisations but also between members of Housing Europe members is at the very core of the activities of the European Federation of Public, Cooperative and Social Housing. We have asked Shepherds Bush Housing Group (SBHG)- a member of the NHF in the UK- and Arbejdernes Andels Boligforening- a member of BL in Denmark to share with us their experience of their recent meet up in the British capital.

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5 May 17 |

10 minutes with Marnix Norder, President of Aedes

Meet the faces behind housing providers across Europe

10 minutes with Marnix Norder, President of Aedes

Every month we introduce you to one of the people leading the work of our member organisations. In this edition, we travel to the Hague to meet the new President of Aedes, the Federation of the Dutch Social Housing Associations. Marnix Norder introduces the organisation, gives us information about the perception of housing in the Netherlands, the country with the largest social housing sector in Europe, and shares some thoughts about the current challenges at national and regional level. Plus, as usual, he presents his own way to strike a good life-work balance.

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3 Apr 17 |

Housing goes to polls

What is the place of housing on the political agenda of national elections across Europe?

Housing goes to polls

In a year of national elections in many EU member states that also finds the Brexit procedure being formally triggered, housing holds a place on the priority list in the political agenda.

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