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9 Mar 16 |

10 minutes with Dr. Donal McManus, CEO of the Irish Council for Social Housing (ICSH)

Meet the faces behind housing providers across Europe

10 minutes with Dr. Donal McManus, CEO of the Irish Council for Social Housing (ICSH)

Every month we introduce you to one of the people leading the work of our member organisations. In this edition, we "fly" to Dublin, in Ireland. Dr. Donal McManus, CEO of ICSH introduces the organisation, gives us information about the perception of housing in the country and shares some thoughts about the current housing crisis. Plus, as usual, he presents his own way to strike a good life-work balance.

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29 Jan 16 |

10 minutes with Rossana Zaccaria, National Coordinator of LegacoopAbitanti

Meet the faces behind housing providers across Europe

10 minutes with Rossana Zaccaria, National Coordinator of LegacoopAbitanti

Every month we introduce you to one of the people leading the work of our member organisations. In this edition, we head to Italy. Rossana Zaccaria, the National Coordinator of LegacoopAbitanti introduces the organisation and identifies the challenges for the cooperative sector in the country. Plus, as usual, she shares some tips that help her strike a good life-work balance.

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8 Dec 15 |

The numbers game

Harnessing the power of data can help solve our housing needs

The numbers game

Lorcan Sirr, Lecturer in Housing at the Dublin Institute of Technology &Visiting Professor of Housing, URV, Tarragona (2015) makes the case for the importance of housing data in his latest column "On the home front" on the Sunday Times of Ireland, quoting "the State of Housing in the EU 2015" report by Housing Europe.

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