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23 Nov 17 |

Germany in need of anchor cities

Report from the GdW Housing Day

Germany in need of anchor cities

The annual GdW conference on November 14th, 2017 in Berlin focused on the increasing differences between booming large cities and depleting regions. GdW president Axel Gedaschko called for a joint effort of the federal government and the “Länder” (federal states) with a focus on rural areas. The idea is to identify “anchor cities”, medium-sized cities of 20.000 to 100.000 inhabitants that have continued to develop their trade, communication and meeting areas in the last decades.

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2 Nov 17 |

Cities going up

Densification and energy transition in a win-win solution

Cities going up

New, modern, energy efficient living spaces in the heart of the city. An urban legend? La Casa por el Tejado claims and shows that if we look up, we may see the future of living in major European cities.

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30 Oct 17 |

Cooperative solution to youth housing in Sweden

Riksbyggen comes up with a new plan to address an alarming phenomenon

Cooperative solution to youth housing in Sweden

In a country that faces an overall housing shortage, the youth is one of the population groups that are struck the most. Housing Europe Swedish, cooperative member, Riksbyggen has taken an initiative in Göteborg that may prove to be a game changer.

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