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7 Jan 22 |

Recovery Funds: from an opportunity to reality on the ground?

The example of Bologna

Recovery Funds: from an opportunity to reality on the ground?

Housing Europe highlighted in its recent report that recovery plans adopted by the Member States will potentially support housing renovation with more than 47 billion and other social housing and Housing First projects with more than 5.5 billion. It is now the turn of Member States together with regional and local authorities and key players, including housing providers, to turn this promise into a reality.

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8 Dec 21 |

Scaling up energy efficiency renovations of multi-apartment buildings to alleviate energy poverty in Eastern Europe

The social housing sector plays an important role in the green transition by offering solutions to optimize the residents' behaviour

Scaling up energy efficiency renovations of multi-apartment buildings to alleviate energy poverty in Eastern Europe

Housing Europe’s Policy Director, Julien Dijol took part in the Europe Housing Forum side event REELIH Regional Conference II organised by Habitat for Humanity International on the 17th of November during the event on ‘Community mobilization: practices in the social housing sector’. His presentation focused on two aspects: a new way of tackling energy poverty that could be scaled up in the Eastern European regions as well as the relevant example of the Horizon 2020 POWERPOOR project which aims at raising awareness on what energy poverty means and what can be done to alleviate it.

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25 Nov 21 |

Social housing providers in Belgium at the first line of defence during floods

The aftermath of SWL after the deadly flooding and how social mobilisation in times of crisis can play a major role

Social housing providers in Belgium at the first line of defence during floods

The heavy rainfalls that hit Belgium mid-July shocked everyone. People who had a stable housing situation suddenly found themselves with nowhere to go. In a heroic and well-coordinated effort, local authorities along with social housing companies took urgent action to help households from more than 200 affected communes in Walonia. Keep reading this piece written by Daniel Pollain, the spokesperson for the Walloon Housing Company (SWL) to find out how they have been weathering the storm.

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