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12 Apr 21 |

Investing right in housing systems in transition

#Housing2030 podcast with Grzegorz Gajda

Investing right in housing systems in transition

Well-functioning housing systems can be easy to grasp and build upon. At the same time, developing housing systems in transition or even starting from zero is not a given. It takes political will, dedication, time, adequate and targeted investment to ensure that communities in our cities and rural areas have decent, quality homes allowing them to focus on bigger goals in life.

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8 Apr 21 |

The ABC of housing market financialisation and what can we do to fix it

#Housing2030 podcast with Manuel Aalbers

The ABC of housing market financialisation and what can we do to fix it

Try discussing housing affordability without mentioning the financialisation of real estate property.

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7 Apr 21 |

Diverse funding ensures housing affordability when public finances 'get a cold'

Tune in for the 10th #Housing2030 podcast on finance

Diverse funding ensures housing affordability when public finances 'get a cold'

It has now become a tradition to open up these small conversations to a bigger audience and this episode will make no exception. Join the fourth and final Housing 2030 thematic conference titled ‘Shaping investment pathways to deliver affordable housing’. It is happening on 14th April and you can still reserve your digital seat at or

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