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26 Oct 23 |

Re-energising Europe with energy communities

The messages we are taking home after Housing Europe's project on collective energy is coming to an end

Re-energising Europe with energy communities

Peer-to-peer energy transaction, learning from experiences to develop readiness level framework, boost smart demand and optimisation of energy consumption and peak demand at community level, providing information to consumers through an advisory app, guiding municipalities and small groups - this has been the core work of one of Housing Europe's EU-funded projects NRG2Peers. Nearing the project's end, on October 25, we gathered with similar initiatives in Brussels to learn from one another.

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20 Sep 23 |

Housing-led solutions to homelessness in Central and Eastern Europe

Country policy briefings from Croatia, Hungary, Romania and Slovakia

Housing-led solutions to homelessness in Central and Eastern Europe

To catalyse a change to a housing-led model in Central and Eastern Europe, our member, World Habitat had commissioned an independent feasibility study to explore the barriers, challenges, and opportunities of implementing a housing-led approach in this region. The results are out.

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20 Jul 23 |

New study and upcoming conference: The price-dampening effect of limited-profit housing in Austria

Gerald Koessl, Austrian Federation of Limited-Profit Housing Associations (GBV), a member of Housing Europe

New study and upcoming conference:  The price-dampening effect of limited-profit housing in Austria

Affordable housing provided by limited-profit housing associations (LPHA) has positive impacts not only on their tenants and the economy (as a previous study showed) but also influences prices on the housing market more widely. Our member, Gerald Koessl explains more.

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