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8 Mar 21 |

Italy’s Housing Cooperatives and the National Recovery and Resilience Plan

Legacoop Abitanti takes a stance in Senate hearing

Italy’s Housing Cooperatives and the National Recovery and Resilience Plan

Legacoop Abitanti, audited by the national Senate, underlined the importance of attention paid to social housing and urban regeneration in a strategic recovery. "We have pointed out that non-repayable resources are needed for the most vulnerable groups and that the cooperation of inhabitants must be present in the co-planning and in the governance of the funds,” emphasises the President, Rossana Zaccaria.

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19 Feb 21 |

How to take the Finnish track in housing policy?

Housing 2030 podcast with Jarmo Linden, ARA

How to take the Finnish track in housing policy?

When speaking about social inclusion and housing, one European country can be seen as a total myth buster. Yes, it is Finland.

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15 Feb 21 |

Evidence - the compass of a good housing governance

Tune in for the 8th #Housing2030 podcast on governance

Evidence - the compass of a good housing governance

The discussion continues also beyond Anchor, Spotify, Apple or Google Podcasts. Be part of it and attend the next Housing 2030 digital conference “Good governance and regulation to support affordability in housing” on 24th February. The registration is open on or

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