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15 Jan 21 |

Shape the Affordable Housing Initiative

EP 1 with the Spanish Social Housing Association (AVS)

Shape the Affordable Housing Initiative

The Affordable Housing Initiative (AHI) - part of the EU Renovation Wave - that will pilot 100 lighthouse renovation districts focuses on creating quality, liveable, affordable homes for people and will mobilise cross-sectoral project partnerships. The initiative is still a blank page, let’s shape it together.

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23 Dec 20 |

Warm Christmas wishes from the Housing Europe team in Brussels

Warm Christmas wishes from the Housing Europe team in Brussels

As the end of this extraordinary year filled with challenges and achievements draws near, we would like to simply say 'thank you'.

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7 Dec 20 |

Barcelona launches its first CLT-inspired housing initiative

The city's ambition to deliver more affordable homes

Barcelona launches its first CLT-inspired housing initiative

Community Land Trusts (CLTs) have become a popular housing model among housing activists and practitioners around the world. Originally developed by rural African-American communities in the United States, it is now spreading in urban areas across North America and the United Kingdom, as well as in continental Europe. Eduard Cabré Romans - International Relations Consultant at the Barcelona Municipal Institute of Housing and Renovation (IMHAB) - tells us more.

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