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3 Dec 20 |

Empowering citizens with a ‘Right to Energy’

European countries’ plans and visions to cope with energy poverty

Empowering citizens with a ‘Right to Energy’

The Right to Energy Forum - an online conference bringing together those who fight energy poverty across Europe - was held in the first days of December. Over 1000 people attended 15 sessions where over 62 policy makers, academics, national experts and community activists came together to share comprehensive solutions tackling energy poverty on European, national and local level. Housing Europe guides you through the highlights from these 3 days.

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30 Nov 20 |

What role for international financial institutions in the housing sector?

Rolf Wenzel, Governor of the Council of Europe Development Bank (CEB) has the story

What role for international financial institutions in the housing sector?

“International financial institutions (IFIs), as well as public development banks in general, should contribute to the development of good-quality and affordable housing solutions because the sector is of high social relevance and cannot be left entirely to free market forces,” writes Rolf Wenzel, CEB Governor. By providing advantageous financing to housing associations and social housing providers, the IFIs can actively support the increase in housing supply, particularly for low-income and vulnerable population groups, and thus strengthen social cohesion in Europe.

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27 Nov 20 |

Public, cooperative and social housing facing a global pandemic in collaboration

How doing an internship at Housing Europe during the COVID-19 lockdown turned into an inspiration for a master thesis ?

Public, cooperative and social housing facing a global pandemic in collaboration

Marion Brunet graduated from the French engineering school of sustainable planning (ENTPE), with a master in Urban and territorial politics and strategies from the Lyon urban planning institute (IUL). Having started her internship with Housing Europe during the first COVID lockdown, she decided to dedicate her master thesis to the way public, cooperative and social housing providers in Europe have been weathering the storm collectively.

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