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2 Sep 15 |

10 minutes with Jiri Barta, Newly Elected President of SCMBD, Czech Republic

Meet the faces behind housing providers across Europe

10 minutes with Jiri Barta, Newly Elected President of SCMBD, Czech Republic

Every month we introduce you to one of the people leading the work of our member organisations. In this edition, we have the pleasure to introduce you to the newly elected president of our Czech member organisation, SCMBD, Jiri Barta who succeeds one devoted partner and former Housing Europe President, Vít Vaníček.

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28 Jul 15 |

Energy audits for public SMEs

How are German housing associations affected?

Energy audits for public SMEs

Our German member association, GdW intervenes and suggests a way to prevent a heavy burden caused by a legal loophole

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24 Jul 15 |

Be Loan Shark Aware!

My Home Finance & NHF campaign to raise awareness in the UK

Be Loan Shark Aware!

With 94% of people introduced to a loan shark by friends or family, national ‘Be Shark Aware’ campaign launches in the UK.

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