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Local and regional networks for the integration of third country nationals

Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund Call for Proposals is now open

Brussels, 6 November 2018 | Published in Social

Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund Call for Proposals in the area of Integration of Third-Country Nationals (2018) (AMIF-2018-AG-INTE) The present Call for Proposals aims at funding projects in five priorities areas. Priority number 1“Local and regional networks for the integration of third country nationals“is the most relevant for Housing Europe members


Eligible applicants and applications

public bodies (including local authorities, public employment services, youth services and education institutions) or entities working on a non-profit basis; Although the networks should be mostly made of local and regional authorities where relevant and useful for the implementation of the projects and activities the partnerships could also involve NGOs, social and economic partners, employers as well as national authorities.

Deadline: Thursday, 31 January, 2019


Due to the large influx of asylum seekers in 2015 and 2016, local and regional authorities in Europe are now facing several challenges relating to the different areas of integration such as education, housing, integration in the labour market, participation, health, etc. Many cities and regions are confronted with these challenges for the first time, with none or little prior experience in the field. Experience and knowledge on integration varies a lot between Member States and between local and regional authorities within each Member State.

In that respect, a recent study carried out by the OECD on the local integration of migrants and refugees has highlighted the need to share good practices between local authorities7 . The existing networks involve generally large cities and regions having a long experience on integration. The Commission considers it very valuable to give the possibility to local authorities having less experience in the field, and having been confronted with this issue only recently, to benefit from the knowledge and practices developed by experienced local authorities in that field.

Therefore, in order to promote the exchange of experiences on this topic at EU level, the Commission intends to finance transnational projects setting-up network of regions and cities to work together on integration. These projects, which will be implemented over a relatively long time-scale (up to 3 years), will allow transfer of knowledge, exchange of practices and experiences at local and regional level across Member States.

The networks funded under this call should aim at exchanging and transferring knowledge and best practices in all relevant areas of integration, and in particular:

Setting-up of local or regional strategies and policies in the field of integration

  • Setting up of "one-stop-shop" structures for integration or local integration centres  Education and training
  • Housing
  • Access to basic services, including health services
  • Integration in the labour market
  • Promoting active participation and social inclusion
  • Favouring exchanges between migrants and the host society as well as raise awareness on the benefits of integration


Concretely, the objectives of this priority are to:

Facilitate the transfer of experience and knowledge on integration between local and regional authorities at EU level through setting up networks of local and regional authorities at EU level

In the context of the network, develop concrete projects and activities on integration at local or regional level (particularly in the areas indicated above), for which a support by a local or regional authority having experience on similar project might be useful, especially in the setting–up and the development of the first phase.

With the support of the network, promote exchanges, between the host society and migrants on the topic of integration.

Facilitate the dissemination of know-how and best practices beyond the partners of the network.

Outcomes The projects financed under this priority should achieve the following outcomes:

Improve transnational cooperation between local and regional authorities for the integration of third-country nationals;

Improve the situation and integration of third country nationals in cities/regions involved in the projects and/or demonstrate and evaluate how the national/transnational actions contributed in this regard;

Share and exchange experiences, information and best practices on integration at local level;

Develop and implement concrete integration projects and measures at local level following the exchange of information and experience between members of the network.