Minute 2 May 19 Housing Europe inaugurates strategic partnership with the City of Athens Our delegation met key stakeholders on the ground in the Greek capital
Minute 8 Apr 19 Making the case for housing as part of social investment Takeaways from the Re-Invest project
Minute 14 Mar 19 European Pillar of Social Rights and housing - does it work? Housing Europe contributes to key meetings in Brussels
Minute 11 Feb 19 Multilevel governance and cross-sectoral cooperation to fight energy poverty Housing Europe at the CoR stakeholder meeting
Minute 13 Dec 18 Reconciling citizens with the reality of migration Takeaways from the final conference of the EU Urban Agenda Partnership for Inclusion of Migrants & refugees
Minute 10 Dec 18 Housing newcomers in Member States Housing Europe shares experiences in Rimini, Italy
Minute 29 Nov 18 Energy efficiency, skills, access to funding and dynamic exchange Report from the 3rd meeting of our Ad Hoc Working Group in support of countries with housing systems in transition
Minute 23 Nov 18 How to get 250 million homes adopt retrofits? Highlights from the 'Retrofit Europe' Conference
Minute 14 Nov 18 Working together to strengthen the voice of the public, cooperative and social housing providers Housing Europe Communications Network 2nd meeting key points
Minute 31 Oct 18 "Successful Inclusion of migrants and refugees in European cities: How local players are making it happen and what support is needed from EU level" DesInc transnational seminar
Minute 19 Oct 18 Housing Europe at Urbanpromo Social Housing 2018 edition Reflecting on the future of housing in Italy
Minute 27 Sep 18 Finding the land, financing energy efficiency and improving the city Highlights from our ABRACADABRA International Workshop