Publication 10 May 23 A new report is sharing knowledge for the fair housing recovery of Ukraine Read "Rebuilding a place to call home"
Press release 9 May 23 Kim Van Sparrentak, Bent Madsen, Barbara Steenbergen, Adrianne Todman, Leilani Farha, and Tatiana Rojas head the list of speakers at the International Social Housing Festival (ISHF) Registration is open until May 29, 2023
News 3 Apr 23 Best Event of the Year Award for the 2022 International Social Housing Festival The AAE Awards recognise excellence and share best practice and successes
News 29 Mar 23 What do we do to contribute to making cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable? Housing Europe at the United Nations headquarters in Geneva
News 24 Mar 23 Meet the new governmental agency for housing in the Flemish region of Belgium The launch of Wonen in Vlaanderen and what would it do for households and our members in Flanders
Article 15 Mar 23 Rebuilding Ukraine for its people with tried and tested methods in mind Call for "an equitable reconstruction based on good European examples" by the EIB
News 24 Feb 23 Wanted: the Affordable Housing Initiative Consortium is in search of experts in district renovation and housing providers who are looking for support Respond to the call until March 10, 2023
Press release 10 Feb 23 JOINT REACTION: Green housing must be affordable and inclusive for all Key vote at the European Parliament leaves questions about social safeguards unanswered
Press release 9 Feb 23 The new buildings directive can be a driver for green, fair communities but must be tweaked to achieve this goal First reaction of Housing Europe right after the European Parliament energy committee vote
News 1 Feb 23 New record for a number of submitted events for the International Social Housing Festival What follows next?
Article 27 Jan 23 Housing Europe's Year of Skills Closing the gap with knowledge on energy poverty alleviation, circularity, and district renovation
News 30 Nov 22 Submit your idea for an event during the International Social Housing Festival Mature and emerging housing systems vis-à-vis emerging social and economic challenges across the world
Article 29 Nov 22 A socially-just energy transition is possible - will the revised EU law for the energy performance of buildings help or hinder it? Lessons from the 2nd edition of the Renovation Summit
Article 29 Nov 22 The EU Semester Autumn Package zooms in on how Member States can cope with the energy and cost-of-living crisis Read Housing Europe's take with a focus on housing affordability and the sector