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Short-term solutions are not enough to ensure a sustainable and just energy transition, that would not leave behind millions of vulnerable energy-poor households. People have long been considered “victims” of the current energy system, but they are actually experts on how to improve the system and deliver basic, clean, reliable, and affordable energy services for all. The SOCIALNRG project aims to develop, test and validate a novel and fully adaptable approach to be applied in 3 pilot social housing communities in Slovenia, Italy and Belgium. The approach will be based on three pillars: establishing a participatory to create, or adapt existing, energy communities; favouring peer exchanging and learning; and forwarding recommendations to remove barriers on a policy level. Housing Europe will ensure the coordination of the project, making sure that the concept is well implemented and the results will be widely shared, and we will be supported by the members of our network: Legacoop/Finabita (Italy), SP-Ravne (Slovenia), Woonmaatschappij Rivierenland (Belgium).