Supporting age-friendly environments in the EU
Launch of the Covenant on Demographic change
Brussels, 14 December 2015 | Published in SocialThe Committee of the Regions organized on 7 December the launch of the Covenant on Demographic change with the aim to support innovation for age-friendly environments in the EU.
The long-term goal of the Covenant is the engagement of the local and regional authorities and other relevant stakeholders in developing environments supporting active and healthy ageing. This can improve healthy life expectancy, enhancing independent living of older persons and creating a society for all ages.
To build stronger network
- The Covenant tries to foster synergies between relevant stakeholders in cooperation with existing initiatives (WHO Global Network on Age-Friendly Cities and Communities, the WHO Europe Healthy City Network, European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing).
- AGE Platform have set up a Thematic Network (AFE-INNOVNET) to connect stakeholders (older peoples‘ organizations, industry, researchers) who are interested in the promotion of age-friendly environments at local, regional, national and EU level.